Our History
Adapt A Vet was formed in July of 2015, by Founders Roxann and Michael Cotugno, when they experienced firsthand the unmet need for specific adaptation services to disabled Veterans. The desire to help other Veterans has grown across the U.S.
Adapt A Vet has collaborated with community construction partners, area Veteran Service Organizations (VSO) and other non-profit organizations to serve Veterans’ needs and make adaptations to several Veterans’ homes since its organization.
Each adaptation is personalized based on the Veteran’s needs and abilities, utilizing elements of Universal Design and the services of designers and contractors familiar with local home design and real estate trends. Plus, “blending in” to the neighborhood can help foster that sense of community that we are trying to give back as well.
Highlights of some of our initial adaptations include a full home adaptation consisting of home entry and exit ramps (plus emergency exit), widened doorways, hard surface / slip free flooring, modified counter top heights, pull down shelving, roll-in shower, vanity modifications, new plumbing fixtures, energy efficient lighting, and more. All adaptations and modifications allow the Veteran and their family to experience, “What Freedom Feels Like In Their Own Home” ©
“I’ve never had bullets fly by my head. But I’ve experienced freedom cause of men and women who did!
Forever thankful to
every veteran’s sacrifice.”
To contribute to quality of home life for the Veterans and their families:
- Reducing safety hazards
- Independently performing personal hygiene
- Providing a level of independent living he or she may not normally enjoy
- Improving self sufficiency
So they can experience “What Freedom Feels Like In Their Own Home” ©
Over 20 American war veterans die by suicide every day. In response to this horrifying statistic, award-winning director Scott McCullough and producer, Windy Buhler, created “The Other Note,” a powerful :60 broadcast and internet public service message on behalf of NVF Founder, Shad Meshad, and the National Veterans Foundation, featuring well-known actor, activist and NVF Honorary Board Member, Martin Sheen.
Written, licensed and directed by McCullough, the dramatic PSA entitled, “The Other Note” was conceived to capture attention, to educate, and to inform the public of the alarming and increasing suicide rates in the military, and to focus attention on the National Veterans Foundation, the first 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a vet-to-vet crisis hotline, the Lifeline for Vets, providing highly successful transition and suicide prevention services and an established outreach program for all veterans and their families.
Visit www.NVF.org and for Broadcast HD resolutions, CC and more available upon request. at [email protected]
Help us improve our Veterans quality of life, today!

The Steps We Take To Help
Some of the items we consider as we create a personalized adaptation plan for the Veterans.
- Entry and exit Ramps
- Lifts or Platforms
- Chair lifts
- Widening of or installing walkways for mobility
- Widening Doorways
- Roll in Showers
- Usable Countertops
- Lowering of light switches and raising electrical outlets
- WIFI smart door bells
- Smart Home devices
- Kitchen appliances, range, sink etc… at personalized heights
- Family friendly spaces
- HVAC adaptations for individual’s needs (i.e. Burn Victims)
- Security and safety lighting
- Exterior landscaping
- Service animal accommodations
Who We Are Helping
Adapt A Vet was created to assist disabled Veterans from all eras and branches of our Military.
We support all disabled with Veterans Physical Disabilities, Burns, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Visual or Hearing Impairments.

The Solutions
Adapt a Vet improves disabled veterans’ quality of life by adapting homes to accommodate their disabilities and service animals.
Through our compassionate and respectful adaptation process, these veterans can live more fruitful lives and focus on the future.
Our formula works.